Sunday, April 3, 2011

This Semester

Okay, I know the semester is almost over, but I am still in the process of catching up. So, for documentation purposes (and probably not reader interest) let's see what Carson and I are studying this semester.

advanced molecular biology
advanced molecular biology lab

Yep, only two more classes until I am done. They aren't the most interesting classes in the world, but they are necessary.

american heritage
computer aided design (CAD)
technical communication
new testament

He is lucky enough to have both his brother and his mom taking american heritage with him, so they should all do great. CAD takes up a lot of time, but Carson loves it and is really excited about getting into his major. 


  1. Now that I got the first comment on 3 posts in a row... I know your classes are hard and don't get me wrong the sound hard too. The whole whole MOLECULAR BIOLOGY part of it, but in quantity it fails in comparison the Carson's schedule, although none of his classes have intense names.
